Andrea Alexander

I Remember
Life Coach 
Inspiring Transformation 
Consciously Healing the Self  from Within 
Original Art work by Andrea Alexander


You landed on this page for a reason – an intuitive calling, a force within you. Over the last 30 plus years I have been on a journey to heal in me what I did not know and could not remember that was sucking the life out of me. I tried everything from numbing through addictive behaviors – did not work and made me feel worse about myself. Therapist and counselors helped, EMDR gave me the ability and courage to access what I had completely suppressed and yes, I was getting better. I remember having more moments of happiness and I knew that there was still more JOY and Happiness available for me.

Maybe you are just coming into your own awareness of there is more for you in LIFE than just it helped, and yet you feel blocked by why or what in you keeps you from fulling saying yes to loving yourself, feeling you are good enough, worthy and deserving. You just cannot figure it out. I know this and I work up on this same battlefield for decades with a knowing of I deserve better, but My Head and My Heart were not in agreement.

Are you ready to take loving action and move out of your head and into your heart? Are you willing to stretch what you have known as doable and possible and re-create yourself and your loved ones beyond what you could have ever imagined as possible? Our minds are a beautiful thing and yet we have been taught to use it in a fashion that is Against us. I can support you in an unlearning of your old beliefs about yourself into a REMEMBERING of what is true about you and Life. Are you ready to Revive your life? Join me and I will support your reclaiming of LIFE IS FOR ME!

I remember thinking that if I could just remember I could get better, if I could just lose the weight, I could fix all the other stuff that was wrong or keeping me form being happy. If I could just…. Then I would be happy.

What is
Transformational Coaching?

A collection of Tools (Our Tool Box) that gives the individual the power to upgrade and recreate their subconscious programs.

About Andrea

A Houston-based Faith in Wellness certified Facilitator who uses her tools of pure speech, body language translation and Enlightened Iridology for Transformational coaching. Andrea has been playing in Consciousness for over 3 years, and her life is a testimony to the powerful role it can play in shifting our reality. She knows we are her to remember the truth of who we are and the power of our words. She works with clients to access the deep feeling in their hearts, as they transform their greatest weakness to greatest strengths.

I was in my early twenties, just out of college when I had a meditative experience that was so horrific that I bolted up in panic. I could not remember any of what I had seen in that experience, this was the moment that I became aware that there was something deep within me that was creating how I felt about me, my body, and my life. I was great at faking being okay, but my truth was I was sad and very depressed and had never understood why. My moodiness had always been attributed to pre-teen moodiness and teenage angst. I lived in a very comfortable home, had loving parents, friends, did well in school and I did most everything that I could to devalue me, copious amounts of eating and binging, drinking, some drugs and a lot of sex. It was in this horrid memory that I could not remember that put me on a pointed path to discover why I felt so awful most of the time.

Are you tired of waking up on the battlefield day after day?

Schedule a Consultation Now


A Houston-based Faith in Wellness certified Facilitator who uses her tools of pure speech, body language translation and Enlightened Iridology for Transformational coaching. Andrea has been playing in Consciousness for over 3 years, and her life is a testimony to the powerful role it can play in shifting our reality. She knows we are her to remember the truth of who we are and the power of our words. She works with clients to access the deep feeling in their hearts, as they transform their greatest weakness to greatest strengths.
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