Transformational Coaching Packages

Package I - I See – Investment  $99

  • Enlightened Eye Reading

Package II - I See Me – Investment $175  (one week)

  • Enlightened Eye Reading
  • Follow up Transformational Coaching Call – What is new and different this week?
  • On the Spot Support -  translations Sacred Body Language Translation and Life’s Conscious Signals – text and call

Package III - I see Me Brand New- Investment $500 (one month)

  • Includes all  Transformational Tools and Support in Package II
  • PLUS – In Person Transformational Coaching Session (2 hour) and an additional Coaching Call
  • A bottle of GABA – an amino acid that supports our Transformations in EASE.

Package IV - I AM Fully Seen – Investment $1,200 (3 months)

  • Includes all Transformational Tools and Support in Package III
  • PLUS - An additional Enlightened Eye reading at end of 90 days
  • Weekly check in calls (30 min)
  • Unlimited-  On the Spot Support
  • Copy of Conscious Language – Logos of Now by Robert Tennyson Stevens
Sign Up Now

What is the difference between Life Coaching and Consciousness or Transformational Coaching?

Coaching is a means to support individuals or groups to get better or perform better at any given task, game, or aspect of life and/or business. Every coach has a program or system that works for them and their clients. They observe where you are and support you in aligning your goals and guide you through different tasks and exercises to lead you to obtaining your goal. This does work in many avenues of life and is definitively helpful in taking ourselves to the places that and things that we want in life.
This form of coaching is a mental process, and we can obtain many goals from a mental or conscious state of mind. What most anyone who has ever had any success in life in any form or fashion will tell you is that is was HARD, they had to focus and put their head down and make it happen. It is all about doing in life a conscious, concerted effort and does not touch what is making what we truly desire seem so difficult and why so many people fail to successfully create permanent change or long-term happiness.
Has that better job, higher pay, more expensive watch, or car type of happiness sustained you in all of life thus far?
Temporarily yes, what Shawn Achor, known for his advocacy of positive psychology, describes is the Reverse Happiness Model, the if I work harder, I will have more success and ways to demonstrate that success and I will be happy. In this model we achieve the first goal and the brain Never arrives at happiness and therefore continues to push us through the thought form of when I have and/or when I have accomplished, I will be happy. This is a never-ending loop and process. Many psychologists and neuroscientists agree that as we increase our positivity of our current experiences in life, we become happier.
The simple adage of “Be grateful for what you have”. Easier said than done right?
And why may this be? It is because you/we have yet as a person or society yet to address what is keeping us in this place. It is our personal experiences themselves as well as those of our family and ancestors that keep us in our Egoic self where change is hard, and it is just easier to stay where we are, even if it sucks!

This is where Conscious or Transformational coaching differs. We address our subconscious mind where our Ego lives. The subconscious mind holds every detail of every memory and its role is to keep us safe at all costs, which is why it is hard to stop doing what is bad or harmful to us.
Our subconscious egoic mind does not respond well to STOP or DON’T do that anymore, or I will never again which we have all said before and the result is… we do that same thing again, repeatedly, vowing each time NEVER again. Some of the “issue” is how we say what we say and/or how we have the don’ts and stops wired in us from childhood.
Imagine your ego as a three-year-old who keeps reaching for the cookie no matter how many times you tell them NO! Then they sit down and put the whole thing in their mouth. That watch me and watch this- the YES, I will!
The great thing is that the subconscious mind takes direction from the conscious mind and responds very well to repetition and feeling. The key is to give it something NEW to replace what it has been holding in place.
Feeling is the greatest contrast with much of what today's therapy does, we tell our stories over and over, but we do not often get to the core Feeling. Our subconscious mind only shifts in a state of feeling and when we can name the feeling we can make a new choice about the direction we choose to go or how we choose to feel. What we are doing is changing the lens of how we see or feel about our experiences and making a new choice about how we will perceive the experience.
Did you know that nervousness is the same energy vibration as excitement? So, as you are about to address a room full of people to give a speech you can qualify what you are feeling as excitement or nervous.
What will you choose?
Words + Feelings + Specificity = Manifestation

As a Transformational Coach what I do is support you in finding the real feelings and how they are wired in you. I ask questions and listen for patterns in your words and ask more questions based on those word patterns. I will also use your own body movements to ask further questions – every itch, scratch, jerk, twitter, shiver, and movement is telling based on what moves. What we are doing is touching the subconscious “reality” of how the experience went into our minds and how it is presenting itself in our body. Your answers become your awareness and when we have awareness, we can make a new choice. There is no forcing, once we have made a new choice, we build on that choice in feeling and use decrees to remind us of what is our truth. Yes, there is work to do and the deeper and older the trauma the more vigilant we are with our loving action.
My experience is that I was sexually abused on numerous occasions by an uncle. What we take on in these experiences is loss of innocence and purity, guilt, and shame. We have deeper experiences and say things in ourselves and out loud in these experiences, and the greater the trauma the deeper the hold in our bodies. I had the experience of wanting to be out of my body because of the pain, so I numbed first with food, then with drugs and alcohol. I desired to feel love and did not know how to and so I used sex to feel love. And In all of this I manifested an unknown death wish that showed up in 30 plus years of smoking.
What this has turned into for me… I have remembered my own innocence and purity and I have walked through a lot of guilt and shame. I am in a remembering of being fully one in my own body.

This is how trauma was showing up in MY BODY
*High blood pressure * borderline diabetic * overweight * eczema * ADHD * compulsion * abuse of legal & illegal drug * alcohol *smoking & nicotine * tonsillitis * panic & stress * depression *low self-esteem * giving my body away * unsuccessful long-term relationships * isolation from family & friends * golf ball sized cyst on top of my head * peeling scalp * broken & varicose veins * fibroid tumors in my uterus * endometriosis
Of all of these I have two on this list that I am still finding at the core of me, and where I am today is far down the road on all of them.
I support my clients into reviving life and a remembering of their own understanding of their own truth that lies within their heart. With my support you will tap into your conscious and unconscious patterns from your known and unknown experiences that have kept you in pain and suffering. Each of us is already equipped with all the tools we each require to move, flip and transform our painful past back into our true state of Joy!
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